Study the Bible every day
Image: Bible of Jehovah's Witnesses (New World Translation - German Edition)
I will remember the works of Jah; I will remember your marvelous deeds of long ago. And I will MEDITATE on all your activity And ponder over your dealings... I MEDITATE on all your activity; I eagerly ponder over the work of your hands... May the words of my mouth and the MEDITATION of my heart. Be pleasing to you, O Jehovah, my Rock and my Redeemer (Psalms 77: 11, 12 NWT, Psalms 143: 5 NWT, Psalms 19: 14 NWT)
Study the Bible every day
Warum haben Jehovas Zeugen einige ihrer Glaubensansichten geändert? Um die richtige biblische Sichtweise zu verstehen, ist es wichtig,...