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Posts mit dem Label JHWH - im Neuen Testament / Emphatic Diaglott werden angezeigt. Alle Posts anzeigen

Dienstag, 16. Februar 2021

JHWH - im Neuen Testament / Emphatic Diaglott,

 Emphatic Diaglott 1864

Matthäus 21: 9, 42
(9) And THOSE CROWDS PRECEDING him, and THOSE that FOLLOWED, shouted, saying, „Hosanna to the SON of David! Blessed be HE who COMES in the Name of 'Jehovah,' Hosanna in the HIGHEST heaven!" ...  (42) Jesus says to them, "Have you never read in the SCRIPTURES, A Stone, which the BUILDERS rejected, the same is made the Head-stone of the Corner; this Jehovah has effected, and it is wonderful in our Eyes?'
Matthäus 22: 37, 44
(37)And HE said to him, '"Thou shalt love 'Jehovah thy God with All thy HEART, and with All thy SOUL, and with All thy MIND." (44) JEHOVAH said to my LORD, Sit thou at my Right hand, till I put thine ENEMIES under neath thy FEET?'
Matthäus 23: 39
(39) for I tell you. You shall not see me from this time, till you shall say, „Blessed be HE who COMES in the Name of.

Markus 11: 9
(9) And THOSE PRECEDING and THOSE FOLLOWING, shouted, „Hosanna!“ „Blessed be HE who COMES in the Name o Jehovah!“
Markus 12: 11
(11) this was performed by Jehovah, and it is wonderful in our Eyes,“
Markus 12: 29, 30, 36
(29) JESUS replied to him, "The first is —Hearken, Israel; Jehovah our GOD is one Jehovah (30) and thou shalt love Jehovah thy God with All thy Heart, and with All thy Soul, and with All thy Mind, and with All thy STRENGTH ... (36) For David himself said, by the Holy Spirit, Jehovah said to my LORD, Sit thou at my Right hand, till i put thine ENEMIES under neath thy FEET.
Lukas 10: 27
(27) And HE answering, said,"Thou shalt love Jehovah thy God with All thy HEART, and lwith All thy SOUL, and with All thy STREENGTH, and with All thy MIND, and thy NEIGHBOR as thy self."
Lukas 13: 35
(35) Behold your HABITATION is left to you; and I tell you, That you shall not you see me, till you shall sag, ‚Blessed be HE who COMES in the Name of Jehovah‘“
Lukas 19: 38
(38) saying, "Blessed be the COMING KING in the Name of Jehovah! Peace in Heaven, and Glory in the highest heaven."
Lukas 20: 37, 42
(37) But That the DEAD rise, even Moses has declared, at the BUSH, when he calls Jehovah, the GOD of Abraham, and the God of Isaak, and the God of Jacob. ... (42) For Pavid himself says in the Book of Psalms, Jehovah said to my LORD, sit thou at my Right hand,
Johannes 12: 13
(13) took BRANCHES of PALM-TREES, and went out to meet him, and cried out, "Hosanna, Blessed is HE who COMES in the Name of Jehovah, the KING of ISRAEL!“
Apostelgeschichte 2: 34
(34) For David ascended not to HEAVEN, but he says himself, 'JEHOVAH' said to my LORD, Sit thou at my Right hand,